November Meeting 2022; Turkeys and Toys!

October 25, 2022 - Action

Laborers’ Local One Turkeys 2022

Laborers’ Local One will be handing out one turkey per Local One member.


Local One members must be in good standing with their dues and present your

union card.

We will have the turkey truck at our regular November Meeting.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

5pm – 8pm.

We will proceed with our normal monthly meeting at 7pm.


Each year Local One collects toy donations for other members at our local

who may not be able to afford them for any number of reasons. Their children

have the opportunity to receive toys and feel the holiday cheer even in difficult

times. Local One will be accepting toy donations at our office or at the regular

monthly meetings. Please feel free to bring some holiday cheer for your fellow

brothers and sisters!

Bring a toy,

get a turkey!