Action News
LiUNA Illinois Endorsed Candidates October 15, 2020 - Action
Please click the link below for the Chicago Laborers District Council Election Info!
October Meeting October 6, 2020 - Action
October Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for October. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are still …
Letter From Laborers Local One Business Manager and Executive Board March 20, 2020 - Action
Brothers and Sisters, Our most important concern is the health of our membership. In accordance with the Center for Disease Control’s guidelines for addressing the threat of Coronavirus in the workplace, Laborers’ Local One will be taking…
Letter From Chicagoland Health & Welfare Fund March 20, 2020 - Action
LABORERS’ PENSION AND WELFARE FUNDS MARCH 19, 2020 ALL LOCAL UNIONS CATHERINE WENSKUS COVID-19/MEMBER VISITS The risk of infection from the coronavirus outbreak has increased as the rate of infection rises in our community. For the safety of th…
Letter from LiUNA General President Terry O'Sullivan March 20, 2020 - Action
TO ALL DISTRICT COUNCILS AND AFFILIATED LOCAL UNIONS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Dear Brothers and Sisters: The health and safety of our LIUNA members and their families are always our greatest concern and priority. Right now, we know coronavirus…
The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.
Franklin D. Roosevelt