Action News
February Monthly Teleconference Meeting January 19, 2021 - Action
February Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for February. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are stil…
January Monthly Meeting January 5, 2021 - Action
January Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for January. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are still …
Local One Office Closed for New Years Holiday December 30, 2020 - Action
Laborers' Local One will be closed Thursday and Friday for the New Years Holiday. We will return to normal business hours on Monday, January 4, 2021. If you need to pay dues please visit or use our Local One App. Have a safe and …
Office Closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day December 23, 2020 - Action
Laborers' Local One will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will return to normal business hours Monday, December 28, 2020. Have a safe and happy holiday brothers and sisters!!
Get a Local One duffle bag for paying 2021 dues in full! December 18, 2020 - Action
Brothers and Sisters, Laborers’ Local One will be offering its membership Local One gear for paying your dues in full for the year as we have done in the past. If you pay your dues in full for the year during the first quarter, you are eligible…
December Drive By! Local One Member Christmas Gift December 2, 2020 - Action
Laborers Local One Christmas Laborers Local One will be handing out one Christmas gift backpack per Local One member. Local One members must be in good standing with their dues. You must present your 4TH quarter union card. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. K…
December Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for November. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are stil…
Local One Turkeys and Toy Drive November 4, 2020 - Action
Laborers Local One Turkeys Laborers Local One will be handing out one turkey per Local One member. Local One members must be in good standing with their dues. You must present your union card. Keep in mind the office is not allowing walk-ins so if yo…
NOVEMBER MEETING November 3, 2020 - Action
November Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for November. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are stil…
Laborers Local One Office Closed to Walk-Ins November 1, 2020 - Action
Brothers and Sisters, Laborers Local One has felt the impact of the rising Covid-19 infections. Our office was recently exposed and we were forced to close in order to have a professional sanitization. It is crucial to our membership and contractors …
The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.
Franklin D. Roosevelt