Action News
Member to Member Toy Drive October 29, 2021 - Action
Member to Member Toy Drive Each year Local One collects toy donations for other members at our local who may not be able to afford them for any number of reasons. Their children have the opportunity to receive toys and feel the holiday cheer even in …
October Meeting 2021 September 21, 2021 - Action
YOU MUST WEAR A MASK TO ATTEND THE MEETING Laborers Local One 8618 W. Catalpa Ave Suite 1101 Chicago, Illinois 60656 Office (773) 380-0001 Fax (773) 380-0002 Laborers Local One Monthly Membership Meetings Monthly Membership Meetings are the FIRST TUE…
September Meeting September 7, 2021 - Action
YOU MUST WEAR A MASK TO ATTEND THE MEETING Laborers Local One 8618 W. Catalpa Ave Suite 1101 Chicago, Illinois 60656 Office (773) 380-0001 Fax (773) 380-0002 Laborers Local One Monthly Membership Meetings Monthly Membership Meetings are the FIRST TUE…
August Meeting August 2, 2021 - Action
Laborers Local One 8618 W. Catalpa Ave Suite 1101 Chicago, Illinois 60656 Office (773) 380-0001 Fax (773) 380-0002 Laborers Local One Monthly Membership Meetings Monthly Membership Meetings are the FIRST TUESDAY each month at 7:00pm. Local One member…
JULY MEETING AT THE MOOSE! June 28, 2021 - Action
July Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold an in-person open house and meeting in July. We will have food and beverages for members in attendance! We misse…
June Meeting June 1, 2021 - Action
June Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for September. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are still n…
May Meeting May 3, 2021 - Action
May Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for May. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are still not perm…
Vaccines We are pleased to announce that registration for our exclusive COVID-19 vaccination sites is now open! Laborers who are current in their dues are welcome to register for a COVID-19 vaccination appointment at either site by using one of the e…
March Monthly Meeting February 26, 2021 - Action
March Membership Meeting Good Evening Brothers and Sisters of Laborers’ Local One. The Local One Executive Board has decided to hold a teleconference membership meeting for March. In accordance with local and state guidelines, we are still not …
Laborers Local One President Frank Damato has passed away. February 20, 2021 - Action
From: Leo Esparza, Business Manager, Local Union One Peter A. Fosco, Secretary-Treasurer, Local Union One Re: Death Notice Dear Sirs and Brothers: It is with deep sadness and regret that we inform you of the passing of our brother and Local Union One…
The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.
Franklin D. Roosevelt